I am truly stumped in determining who represents the best home for this precious 19th century hand-made royal gift shield. It is a 15" round and dished metal shield which has been covered with a leather facing. The facing has been painstakingly designed and hand painted as a very special royalty birthday gift from a son to a mother by the reknown decor and glassware firm Freidrich Van Hauten of Bonn Germany. It likely was created out of the Sternstrasse 32 factory in Bonn where the majority of their custom specialized gifts for royalty and upper echelon families were produced. The piece was created for Feodor Graf zu Dohna-Lauck as a birthday gift to his mother Karoline Luise Wilhelmine Nee Von Saldern-Ahlimb, on her 45th birthday of August 28th, 1895.
After significant research I was able to determine the representation of all but one Coat of Arms represented in the royal family lineage Primarily centered in the Prussia region. Families identified include: Saldern, Winterfeld, Kleist, Glafey, Wuthenau,Ahlimb, Barfus, Blumenthal, Hoym, Loos, Ahlefeldt, Horcker, Mildenitz, and feature the combined center shields of the mother and father Graf zu Dohna Lauck and Saldern-Ahlimb.
On the center back of the shield there remains the unique production identification label of Freidrich Van Hauten Bonn Am Rhein which was perhaps used on only selective hand made items as it has not been seen on any of the brilliant stein and glassware works the company created. Also on the back, included in the son's chosen inscription is the zirkel of the Corps Borussia Bonn, of which Feodor was a member.
I hope you can appreciate my dilemma. Is the proper home among any of the relations of the noble families represented on the shield? 
Is it among the collectors of the fine craft productions of Freidrich Van Hauten? Or, simply a collector of the extensive history of Prussia and Germany which is represented on the shield and the many noble positions held by the family lineage represented. The last two photographs show the proper alignment of names applied over the coats-of-arms where the hand-painted names have been weathered, and also a fairly extensive chart of family lineage to the parents of Feodor.
As stated it is truly a guess as to the proper home and value of this precious gift. I have chosen a value number that I hope is fair and as always include free shipping, a donation to charity and utilize the "Best Offer" format to be responsive to all reasonable buyer offers based on conditions or other possible new information that pertains to such a unique item.