10 beautiful shades available of this soft cotton blend yarn.  If you are familiar with the Dungarees lines of yarns from Queensland Collection, this is their latest addition to the product line-up.  This yarn is fingering weight and is composed of mostly cotton from recycled denim.  It is 76% recycled cotton, 12% new cotton, and 7% recycled polyester.  The polyester is a very fine thread that wraps the plied yarn accentuating the tweedy effect of the colors.  This wrapping also reduces pilling.  Each skein has 459 yards on it.

There are three patterns available free upon request with the purchase of 3 or more skeins.  The tee pattern is crochet, the other two are knit.

Knitting Gauge: 27-32 stitches stockinette over 4" on US size 1-3 needles.
Crochet Gauge: 21-32 stitches SC over 4" on size B1-E4 hook.

This yarn is listed for $18 each, shipping included.