1858 Thomas H Benton on DRED SCOTT Case American Slavery Missouri Politics


Thomas Hart Benton, the father of the famed Missouri painter, was a 19th-century American politician. He spent thirty years in the United States government spending much of that time as a Missouri Senator. Following his political career, in addition to his autobiography, he published an historical perspective on the famous Dred Scot Decision.


First published in 1857, “Historical and Legal Examination of the Dred Scott Case” included the debates which arose from the legislation as well as Benton’s perspective following the verdict. Benton argued that the jury should have declined to make a decision in the case.


Interestingly, the last several pages of this volume include newspaper clippings from the 1858 Ohio legislative elections. This election was fraught with controversy where multiple races were won by very slim margins (such as the race the 3rd District Congressional vote between Lewis D. Campbell and Clement L. Vallandigham), with candidates, parties, and voters being split over the issue of slavery and whether or not people of color were allowed to vote. These elections were run concurrently with the famous Illinois Senatorial race between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas.


Item number: #18512

Price: $499


BENTON, Thomas Hart


Historical and legal examination of that part of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred Scott case


New York : D. Appleton and Co., 1858.



·        Collation: Complete with all pages

o   193, [7]

·        Language: English

·        Binding: Hardcover; tight and secure

o   Cloth

·        Size: ~9.25in X 6in (23.5cm x 15cm)


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