This exfoliating glove is the perfect solution for removing any dead skin cells. After a workout, or if it was simply a hot sweaty day, this will help you get the smoothest, silkiest skin ever.

You can see our own personal (gross :) ) photos and how this glove absolutely cleared up so much dead skin it's crazy. We have introduced this to all of our friends and family and their lives haven't been the same!

If you have backnee, this will be of great help, helping you remove the build-up. Ingrown hairs? Get rid of the dead skin that's preventing the hair from growing out. Want an even and smooth skin, this will help you exfoliate and get the best possible, shiny and smooth skin. 

The hammam glove has been used for many years and it has been tradition amongst many cultures for bathing rituals. Luckily it is found it's way to us, so we can enjoy its benefits. Also, similar to the trending Korean exfoliating shower glove.

What's Included:
- 1 glove of your colour of choice.

How to use:
- Best to take a bath, go to sauna or take a hot shower to help the exfoliation and open up the pores.
- Do not use any shampoos, soaps, conditioners (use them after). There needs to be a lot of friction between the glove and the skin and the soaps prevent that.
- Start rubbing the glove on your skin, up and down, side to side, it takes a few seconds before any dead skin starts rolling up, apply some pressure but not too much.
- Simply wash off with water and build up that was exfoliated.
- Proceed with your normal shower routine.

- Everyone's skin is different, therefore, some of you may shed a lot of dead skin cells and some not much. Also, it can depend on how well your pores opened in the heat before, so if you don't see much coming off, don't be discouraged you're still exfoliating, just not as extreme as me in the picture after sauna :)