6N3P-I 6Н3П-И 2C51 ECC42 Double triode,New,Same date,Lot 38 pcs.

Double miniature triode designed for pulsed operation.
Designed to amplify voltage and generate high frequency oscillations.
It is used in VHF receivers as a high frequency amplifier with a grounded grid, 
as well as a mixer and a local oscillator.
Can be used in pulse circuits and low frequency preamplification stages.
Indirectly heated oxide cathode.
Works in any position.
Durability not less than 500 hours.
Weight no more than 15 g.

6n3p-i New,
without factory packaging,OTK sign,
The same date of manufacture 9-10/77

Lot 38 pcs.

Departure from Ukraine.