Painted Daisy Flower Seeds - 3" Perennial Flowers in Mixed Colors

Plant as wildflowers

Flower Details

An annual from the coasts of North Africa, this particular daisy variety boasts a boast a tricolor ring pattern. This showy wildflower blooms through summer and fall and then reseeds itself for the next year's blooms.

Because of their unique pattern of multicolored rings, these daisies have become very popular. Originally, this family of flowers grew in 15th century China as an herb; Europeans began cultivating them in the 17th century. This particular variety of tricolor daisy comes from the coasts of northern Africa, or what was formerly known as the Barbary Coast. The poet Chaucer was the first to give this family of flowers the name "day's eye," because of their habit of opening in the morning and closing at night. A common saying of the era stated, "When you can put your foot on seven daisies, summer is come." In the language of flowers, daisies symbolize innocence, simplicity, and modesty.

Common Names: Tri-Color Chrysanthemum, Chop-Suey Greens, Shungiku

Latin Name: Chrysanthemum carinatum

Species Origin: Northern Africa

Type: Garden Flowers

Life Cycle: Annual

USDA Zones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

US Regions: California, Mountain, Arid/Desert, Plains/Texas, Midwest, Northern, Northeast, Southeast

Stratification: No Stratification

Germination Ease: No Stratification

Sunlight: Full Sun, Part Sun

Height: 24 Inches

Color: Mixed, White, Red, Yellow, Purple

Bloom Season: Blooms Early Summer, Blooms Late Summer, Blooms Early Fall

Uses: Cut Flowers, Deer Resistant