About Kerala Ayurveda Punarnavadi Kwath Tablet

Punarnavadi Kwath or Punarnavadi kashayam tablets can greatly help in the treatment of the oedema, ascites and anemia. These tablets have a cooling and cleansing effect and improve blood circulation to effectively address swelling and its root causes. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural laxative.

Ingredients of Kerala Ayurveda Punarnavadi Kwath Tablet

Nisha – Turmeric

Punarnava - Boerhaavia diffusa

Musta – Cyperus rotundus

Daru – Cedrus deodara

Pathya – Terminalia chebula

Tikta – Andrographis paniculate

Patola – Luffa acutangular

Benefits of Kerala Ayurveda Punarnavadi Kwath Tablet

This ayurvedic medicine for fever combats the serious conditions of oedema, ascites and anemia with its unique combination of powerful herbs and natural diuretic properties. It causes an excessive passing of urine and the removal of the diseases through urine. Gomutra works exceptionally well in combination with this medicine and gives a lasting improvement. It’s also a helpful ayurvedic medicine for cough.