Hello this is Jack Dennis  professional fly for over 60 years I have personally selected an unique collections of my videos at very favorable price As we all are looking to learn more.   I am  offering a 50 videos collection 2.00 per video. You can purchase three different ways  DVD, thumb drive or Internet transfer through Google one drive

A collection of  50 DVDs highlighting casting, stream craft, insect identification, Stillwater and Lake  fly fishing , streamer fishing, European nymphing  to name a few subjects .Our collection covers all aspects of flyfishing and fly tying. There's over 100 hours of fly fishing and fly tying instruction.  All Jack Dennis video productions are included in this amazing offer.  learn  to improve  fly casting, flyfishing  techniques,  places to go  fly fishing

This includes all of fly tying videos produced by Jack Dennis over the past 30 years include such amazing fly tyers as Gary Lafontaine, Mike Lawson, Jimmy Nix, John Barr, Kelly Galloup, Randall Kaufman, Brian Chan, Phil Roweley and many other well-known fly tyers along with Jack Dennis historic patterns. Lots of super surprises.

 50 video collection DVD collection 2 DVDs per protected sleeves 25 sleeves in the padded envelope and shipped to you. no DVD plastic boxes.

50 Videos transfered with AVI  compression for maximum clarity to thumb drive

 50 videos transfer  through the internet  to Google one drive  the  customer can download all the videos  with no shipping charge.  if you desire to Purchase this option use local pickup which is indicated.

To complete your purchase make sure in the customer comments indicate which method of purchase. For Google one purchases indicate by checking local pickup. We will be happy to work with you on the procedure to receive our videos through Google one.