is used as a general tonic agent in pre- and post-climacteric period for normalization of the endocrine profile and metabolism, prevention of diseases of the uterus, ovaries, thyroid gland, mammary glands in women, and infertility


Active ingredients - liquid extracts: white cinquefoil root, valerian root, birch leaves, burdock root, hop fruits, red brush root, mistletoe

Other ingredients - demineralized water/aqua, propylene glycol/propylenglycolum, glycerin/glycerolum

Recommendations for use: 7-10 drops 2-3 times a day before meals, dissolving in water. 1 bottle of 100 ml lasts for 1.5 months. The recommended course of admission is 1.5-3 months. If necessary, it can be repeated, does not cause addiction, on the contrary, it accumulates in the body and works for some time after the end of the intake. The duration of admission depends on the severity and neglect of the process. It is necessary to clarify individually.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.

Release form: 100 ml / 3,4 fl oz in a plastic bottle, branded packaging.  

Terms and conditions of storage: store within 3 years from the manufacturing date in dry, protected from light place and out of reach of children at a temperature not above 25°C and with a relative humidity not higher than 85%. This product is made in Ukraine. On the packaging, the manufacturer indicates the date of manufacture and batch number. The date of manufacture is deciphered (day, month, year).


✔️ White cinquefoil root extract — is successfully used in disorders of the thyroid gland, for increasing of libido, elimination of effects of radiation exposure; it also has a beneficial effect on vessel walls

✔️ Valerian root extract — has a calming effect, normalizes blood pressure, relieves spasms of smooth muscles of the uterine, intestines, and bladder

✔️ Birch leaf extract — is used as anti-inflammatory and diuretic agent in diseases of kidneys and urinary tract; eliminates swelling of feet and puffiness of face

✔️ Burdock root extract — is used as anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, and antidiabetic agent which improves functioning of the pancreas, normalizes metabolism, and prevents tophi

✔️ Hop fruit extract — has a sedative effect due to effect of glycosides; prevents fluid retention in the body; normalizes mineral balance

✔️ Red brush root extract — is a phyto-hormone which is widely used in treatment of myomas and fibroids, mastitis, cervical erosions, cysts, endometriosis, in dysmenorrhea and irregular periods, during menopause in women, in prostate adenoma and oligospermia in men. The extract normalizes metabolism being one of the best anti-inflammatory and immuno-stimulatory agents; effectively relieves cerebral vasospasm; normalizes blood pressure; fights against female and male infertility

✔️ Mistletoe extract — exhibits sedative, oncoprotective, diuretic and hemostatic properties. It is effective in hypertension, hyperthyroidism, diseases of the joints, inflammations of the urogenital system, uterine bleedings, tumors, and elimination of “hot flashes”

Read more about the dietary supplement here or on the manufacturer’s website, which is listed on each jar. On the packaging, the manufacturer writes only a brief description in English, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian.

*This dietary supplement is not a drug. The main purpose is support and prevention. The manufacturer does not guarantee that this dietary supplement will solve health problems, since not only the use of this remedy, but also many other factors depend on it.

Return policy!
Dear buyers, returns are accepted for items that have not been used and also have not been opened.
Return of goods is possible within 30 days after receipt.
To avoid purchasing the wrong product, please read the product description carefully before purchasing. We strive to provide as much information as possible about the product, which is given by the manufacturer. If you have additional questions, we will be happy to answer them.
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