Easy Swallow 750mg Capsules
1500mg Dose Recommended as shown in studies

L-Arginine HCL (hydrochloride) is a type of arginine, which is an amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and play essential roles in various physiological processes within the human body. L-Arginine is considered a semi-essential amino acid, meaning that while the body can synthesize it to some extent, there are circumstances where dietary intake becomes important.

L-Arginine HCL is a form of L-Arginine that is combined with hydrochloric acid to create a stable salt. This salt form makes it easier to handle and incorporate into dietary supplements. 

Sorry we normally have a very informative article about health benefits and how the product is actually working, but our listings keep getting taken down so we cant give any health benefits due to the health supplements register being out of date, last updated 2011.

  • Please do your own research for this amazing supplement 

     We feel this is wrong the customer should have all the latest research to help them make an informative decision as to if the product can help them. 

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