Blessing letter signed by Admor R' Shlomo Halberstam of Bobov, NY 1979.

Signed letter by R' Shlomo Halberstam of Bobov thanking a donor for his generous contribution. With particularly warm blessings.

"ויצליח בכל אשר יפנה ויהי' שבע רצון ומלא ברכת ד' בבריאות השלמות ואורך ימים ישביעהו ויראהו בישועתו..."

Admor R. Shlomo Halberstam of Bobov (1908-2000), was the son of R. Ben Tzion Halberstam (Kedushas Tzion). He was named for his grandfather R. Shlomo of Bobov, son of R. Meir Nosson Halberstam who was the son of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz. In his youth, he received Semicha from many of the Rabbonim of Galicia. In 1931, he began serving as Rav in Bobov. He miraculously escaped the Nazi inferno and immigrated to the United States in 1946. He restored the Bobov court after the Holocaust and transformed it into the Chassidic kingdom it is today. His Torah was published under the title Kerem Shlomo.

Size: 18.2 by 26.5 cm.
Condition: Fine condition, filling holes.