NEW Hemi-Sync - The Gateway Experience 25 CD SET Complete 8 Volumes I-VIII

What can you expect from the Gateway Experience?
"As much or as little as you put into it. Some discover themselves and thus live more completely, more constructively. Others reach levels of awareness so profound that one such experience is enough for a lifetime. Still others become seekers-after-truth and add an on-going adventure to their daily activity." -- Robert A. Monroe

Wave I - Discovery 1 - Orientation
Wave I - Discovery 2 - Introduction to Focus 10
Wave I - Discovery 3 - Advanced Focus
Wave I - Discovery 4 - Release and Recharge
Wave I - Discovery 5 - Exploration,Sleep
Wave I - Discovery 6 - Free Flow
Wave II - Threshold 1 - Intro Focus 12
Wave II - Threshold 2 - Problem Solving
Wave II - Threshold 3 - One Month Patterning
Wave II - Threshold 4 - Color Breathing
Wave II - Threshold 5 - Energy Bar Tool
Wave II - Threshold 6 - Intro Living Body Map
Wave III - Freedom 1 - Lift Off
Wave III - Freedom 2 - Remote Viewing
Wave III - Freedom 3 - Vectors
Wave III - Freedom 4 - Five Questions
Wave III - Freedom 5 - Energy Food
Wave III - Freedom 6 - First Stage Seperation
Wave IV - Adventure 1 - One Year Patterning
Wave IV - Adventure 2 - Five Messages
Wave IV - Adventure 3 - Free Flow 12
Wave IV - Adventure 4 - NVC I
Wave IV - Adventure 5 - NVC2
Wave IV - Adventure 6 - Compoint 12
Wave V - Exploring 1 - Mission 10
Wave V - Exploring 2 - Mission 12
Wave V - Exploring 3 - Mission Day
Wave V - Exploring 4 - Mission Night
Wave V - Exploring 5 - Horizons
Wave V - Exploring 6 - Pathways
Wave VI - Prospecting 1 - Metamorphosite
Wave VI - Prospecting 2 - Bio-Body
Wave VI - Prospecting 3 - Null Point
Wave VI - Prospecting 4 - Plus Polarity
Wave VI - Prospecting 5 - Near Reaches
Wave VI - Prospecting 6 - Far Reaches
Wave VII - Odyssey 1 - Sensing Locale One
Wave VII - Odyssey 2 - Expansion In Locale 1
Wave VII - Odyssey 3 - Point of Departure
Wave VII - Odyssey 4 - Nonphysical Friends
Wave VII - Odyssey 5 - Movement to Locale Two Intro Focus 21
Wave VII - Odyssey 6 - Free Flow In Focus 21

Wave VIII - Union CD1 - 1 - Special Tour
Wave VIII - Union CD1 - 2 - Meeting with the Entry Director
Wave VIII - Union CD2 - 3 - Educational Opportunities
Wave VIII - Union CD2 - 4 - Healing and Regenaration
Wave VIII - Union CD3 - 5 - Planning Center
Wave VIII - Union CD3 - 6 - Coordination Area
Wave VIII - Union CD4 - 7 - Inner Earth
Wave VIII - Union CD4 - 8 - The Absolute

Bonus 10 Courses 

(Hemi-Sync) Robert Monroe - Journeys Out of the Body
(Hemi-Sync) Chakra Meditation with Hemi-Sync
(Hemi-Sync) Chronotope Project - Quest of the Mystic
(Hemi-Sync) Retain-Recall-Release
(Hemi-Sync) Jonn Serrie - Maiden Voyage
(Hemi-Sync) The Monroe Institute - Pain Management
(Hemi-Sync) The Monroe Institute - Turtle Island - A Bedtime Story (Hemi-Sync MindFood)
(Hemi-Sync) Alan Tower - Breath of Creation, Solo Huaca 
(Hemi-Sync) Michel Genest - Sacred Realms
(Hemi-Sync) ThunderBeat - Mayan Winds

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