Disclaimer: Astrology is never to be a substitute for professional help such as Doctors, Psychiatrists, Pharmacists, Lawyers, Surgeons, Etc. Any information presented in these Astrological Readings and Presentations are for Novelty and Entertainment Purposes Only. Destiny is in the hands of the Individual. Astrology is but a series of roads and the Astrologer can be the map reader helping to guide along the various roads and paths. 

Personalized Birth Charts customized for your life. See what sign is the best for romance... which one is best for marriage.. Do you have a tendency to make money easily? Or is it harder for you than most? 

Would you like to know the obstacles the Universe plotted out for you from the beginning?

Love, Money, Health, Career, Children, Marriage Even pets... 

All have a place in our personal worlds if they cross it. See where they will walk through yours...

You will have shipped to you, your personalized birth chart wheel and all pertinent information printed on parchment paper and presented to you in a customized folder, like a book of your life.

Ready for you to read...

Please message me with the following, basic, needed information - It is not shared or sold with/to anyone, anywhere, ever and used solely for the act of creating the birth chart.

Name (For Presentation - Please choose the spelling and form you would like on the cover of the folder and top of document pages)
Example: Single Name: "Prince"   First and Last Name: "David Bowie"  First, Middle, and Last: "Elvis Aaron Presley"  etc.

Birth Month, Birth Day, Birth Year
Birth Time
Birth Place

Without this information an accurate Personalized Birth Chart cannot be created. Some may say it can, and they substitute Noon for the time of birth. I have found that this is an important detail and more needed for accuracy than one may think. My apologies. 

Birth Place is not so specific. It can be any city close to where you were born. The state or country in general without specifics is okay, but the closer to birth place the better.