• ⭐ UP TO 10 LITERS - Each box contains 10 bags, each bag is for 1 liter of milk. At Lactina we use long established bacterial colonies grown by our experts in special environments in order to preserve all the benefits and provide customers with a clean and qualitative product.

  • 😍 HEALTH BENEFITS - The addition of the famous kefir to the composition of yogurt contributes to a good condition of the digestive system. Because kefir is really low in lactose, it is also suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

  • SAFER PRODUCTION - The traditional way to produce kefir may not always be safe, as it may sometimes lead to alcohol fermentation. With our specially developed starter this risk is avoided and you can enjoy the ancient Kavkaz drink without any worries.

  • ANTIOXIDANT - Among the many health benefits of traditional kefir, having antioxidative properties should not be skipped to mention. It supports the body in releasing free radicals and gas and helps to sustain a healthy digestive tract.

  • 🌱 TASTY AND CLEAN - Lactina kefir starter is free from GMOs and preservatives. Our formula doesn’t contain any added sugar, stabilizers, flavorings, thickeners or dyes. The delightful taste is a result solely of the 100% pure isolated bacterial cultures.

With our traditional kefir starter culture you can easily prepare this delicious fermented milk product from the comfort of your home all around the globe.

Traditional kefir is one of the strongest probiotics used by humankind.

The bacteria cultures and kefir grains used to make the traditional fermented drink support the intestinal tract by balancing the microorganisms living there, resulting in a healthier and better functioning digestive system. Along with supporting gut health, kefir is found to have a positive influence on immunity, supporting the organism’s defense mechanisms. Furthermore, kefir is believed to have antioxidant properties, helping the body get rid of free radicals.

Lactina kefir starter culture

Lactina kefir starter culture is an advanced product that contains the highest concentration of good bacteria and kefir grains. With our enhanced starter cultures you will always have tasty and clean of artificials kefir, yet affordable. Traditional kefir supports your gut health and immunity.

Preparation Instructions

1. Warm 1L of pasteurized milk until it reaches 35-40 ° C

2. Add 1 pack of Lactina kefir and mix for 3-4 minutes.

3. Pour the mixture of milk and kefir starter culture into a flask. The time for ripening is 12-14 hours.

4. Let the fermented milk cool in the refrigerator for about 6-7 hours.

Better results, less risk

During the traditional kefir preparation, sometimes it is possible for alcohol to form while the fermentation of the drink takes place. With our enhanced starter this risk is eliminated which results in a safer final product with all of its health benefits preserved. Moreover, our packs are high in concentration so they deliver the best results.