Du Barry Was a Lady [Used Very Good DVD] Full Frame, Subtitled, Amaray Case

Title: Du Barry Was a Lady

Format: DVD

Label: Warner Archives

Genre: Comedy Video, Musicals (Theatrical)

UPC: 883929713424

Release Date: 2020

Hapless nightclub hatcheck boy Red Skelton loves glamorous chanteuse Lucille Ball. Handsome hoofer Gene Kelly loves her too. And Lucy? Lucy loves money. Then Red mistakenly gulps down a Mickey Finn and dreams he's in 18th-century France. Before you can powder your wig, a throng of suitors - Red, Gene, King Louis XV, a dashing rebel, a sinister duke and just about everybody - loves Lucy! This glittery, tune-filled bonbon features a supporting cast of wags and wits (including the inimitable Zero Mostel) and three Cole Porter songs from the original Broadway smash: "Friendship," "Katie Went to Haiti" and "Do I Love You?" Cherchez la Lucy for comedy, music and star power from Hollywood's golden era.

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