Magical Wands

Made from wood and wrapped in Copper, Leather and Crystals

This is handcrafted and made with love.

Copper, wood and Crystals all wrapped together is a powerful energy source to have right at your finger tips.

This wand is called Peace, Speak Up. This wand is an energy source for your Throat Chakra. This wand brings calmness, balance, peace & patience. A mighty communicator booster. It allows you to see issues that you once was blind too. The powerful overcoming wand. For full description, visit website below. You only will receive 1 wand in your purchase.

Crystals: Top is an Sodalite Point, a Magnet, Duetormite, Blue lace Agate, Angelite and Garnet.

Can you feel the magic?

Grab your one of a kind Wand today.

Check out full Wand collection and description visit

IG: theeyec_


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