Earthworms make great fishing bait, and they also speed up composting. Maybe you’ve decided to start composting kitchen scraps. Composting bin will make the waste break down faster. 
Small air holes perforate the bag at regular intervals to provide maximum ventilation with minimal chance of escape

Earthworms have many uses and can be extremely beneficial to your home and environment.

The main uses for these are as follows:

- One of the most common baits used for fishing
- Attract a variety of fish species with universal bait
- Much cheaper than tackle shops!

- Start your home composting journey with some earthworms who help speed up the process for decomposing kitchen scraps
- Start turning kitchen scraps into compost at home
- Much healthier for plants and other greenery to be planted using homemade compost than store bought.


- Composting reduces your carbon footprint by a large margin
- Composting counts as recycling of kitchen scraps and other organic material
- Great way to save money on compost

Worms are posted within 1-2 Working Days after purchase. Please allow 2-3 working days after dispatch for them to arrive with you.

If you have any questions at all regarding these worms please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will do our best to help you!