oupin ROIDMI/ROIDMI 3S 5V/3.4A FM Wireless Bluetooth Car USB Charger Music
Player FM With Smart APP For iPhone 7 5S 6 6S & Android
Youpin ROIDMI 3S 5V / 3.4A car charger adapter
Fully compatible with all car brands
Storage Battery& Car Voltage Monitoring
3.4A total large output current for fast charging
Short-circuit protection
Input: 12 - 24V, 0 - 2.4A
Output: 5V 2.4A,
Bluetooth:V4.2 BR / EDR
Compatibility:Bluetooth 4.0 smartphone with Android 4.0 or above system and iOS
Connect with your smartphone via Xiaomi Smart Home APP


This bluetooth car charger is made by xiaomi ecological chainbrand-ROIDMI, there is no any xiaomi marks on the products, pls note it