All Records are Play-Tested and Graded According to "Goldmine Record Grading Standards". 
All Records are Professionally Cleaned on a DeGritter Ultrasonic RCM and VPI HW 16.5 RCM.


Label:                       (EX/NM)
Pristine custom labels with no spindle marks, wear or blemishes.
Record Grading:      (VG+)
Record surface is bright and glossy with mostly small sleeve storage and handling marks and some faint small hairlines...plays crisp, clean and loud with minimal background or surface noise and occasional light crackle or soft tick more audible during quiet sections.

Sleeve Grading:       (VG+)
Fully intact bright and glossy sleeve cover has corner wear with bottom corner bump crease; spine is excellent and completely legible.

From a smoke-free home
Free shipping
Thanks for looking and have a blessed day!!!
~John 3:16~