This is abha coil mold digital file, you need just to set right parameters for your 3d printer or CNC machine. Without compiling this file not work and printer DO not print anything out, need to compile special for your printer, if you cant do this you can ask me to do this for additional fee..

Abha mold diameter is 20cm or 7,87inch, height 4,16cm or 1.63inch

For pritning it out you need use flexible filament, silicone or in worst case can try ABS filament but do not use PLA filament (it wont flex at all and you will not get out casted material) and you need to know HOW to mold and get out of this form, it isnt easy form because of these spirals, and mold need to be good oiled with molding oil.

Second image is top view, third is bottom view of file. Last (fourth) image is how it would look when printed out not real what you will get, you will get just STL file.

This is not orgonite (but same topic as orgonite - when finished it can affect magnetic field)

When you will purchase this list then i will manual will send link with this file as STL file.

When you will print it out and finish it with wire you will need get your own:
copper wire
terminal block where assign copper wire (or any other solution to this)
2 wires cables and screwdriver to connect waveform signal generator (DDS) or radionics device, or static static electricity (but static electricity not recommended if you don't know about it well)

*  Addition things:
Neodymium magnet (only if you want to use as speaker)
Frequencies, you can find many frequencies by searching on the internet by these words: "Brainwave Frequency Listing"
Crystal (to charging it or enchantment something with it)
orgone or in other name "orgonite" (use same as crystal)


About finished coil:

1. Can use with radionics
2. To healing yourself
3. To stimulating chakra`s flow
4. use with magnet as speaker (scientific lessons)
5. to demonstrate magnetic field (scientific lessons)
6. to clean, harmonize and give frequency by using with frequency generator
7. for food, water, dietary supplement
8. test it with signal frequency generator
9. change room energetic field
10. other experiments with in electronics.
11. more efficient electrical devices
12. use in energetical work (Frequencies, you can find many frequencies by searching on the internet by these words: "Brainwave Frequency Listing" and for more information about frequencies "healing frequencies")
13. to study how magnetic fields work and go throught this topic
14. where energy consumption must be limited
15. Where need increased magnetic field at the center
16. To use as antenna to a wide range of desired frequencies
17. To understand more rodin coil`s theory and get new experience with this
18. Coloidal Nano-Particle Silver
19. Some use with HHO water generator, but i don't know anything more about this.
## other more experiments in physics and metaphysics, but you self need to study in rodin coil theory and practice it, this is not traditional scientific thing, but more like esoteric topic.

* Due to the central circle of wires in a Rodin Torus, it naturally creates a greatly increased magnetic field in the center of the torus,
when compared to a conventional coil wound with the same amount of wire.
* Rodin coil produce magnetic field in this way:

For more information please read Marko Rodin theories, watch internet video where other entuizist experiment with it

* I can make rodin coil, abha coil, or other coils special to You as digital file or real one, for real with wire turns and gauges you need, also i can make many coils for you as bulky order
 please write me message for it. More bigger ring, more harder to make it, plastic
 ring is softer, it may little bit bend coil somewhere, but that is no defective.

** If You have any ask please feel free to write me ;)

All copyrights to me.