Hard water ruins plumbing fixtures and water heaters. Test and find out if you have hard water.

Is your water softener working properly...or at all? We include a guide that explains how to dial-in your water softener. No need to pay a plumber to do it.

Testing is easy. Just dip into a water sample and match to the chart.

Use the test kit to:
See if your water softener is working.
Adjust your water softener for maximum efficiency.
Test your reverse osmosis system.

Why test water hardness?

 Hard water has high levels of  calcium and magnesium. These minerals cause spots on dishware, foggy glassware and shower doors. The mineral coat your hair and make it rough and frizzy.

Calcium forms crusty deposits on the surface of water heater elements and also causes the tank to leak.  The same happens to expensive coffee makers and other water-using appliances.

If you have a reverse osmosis system you must monitor the condition of the RO membrane. Eventually it will need to be replaced. The easiest way is to test the water hardness. When water hardness starts to leak through the RO system, you know the membrane is starting to fail. 

 The test strips have a shelf life of 24 months.

 We are a U.S. seller. The kits are tested in our lab and shipped from the U.S. to you.