Royal Canin Mini Senior Wet Dog Food (12x 85g)

From the age of 12, your dog may suffer from ageing symptoms. As a dog owner, you can support your ageing dog with the Mini Ageing 12+ Wet from Royal Canin. This balanced food is suitable for dogs of small breeds aged 12 and over with an adult weight of up to 10kg. These lively dogs can even live for longer than 15 years, so it is important to give them the right support. Mini Ageing 12+ Wet contains a composition of antioxidants to neutralise free radicals to support your ageing dog. This food also has an adjusted phosphorus content that supports a healthy kidney function. What's more, the wet food also contains important nutrients that contribute to a healthy skin and coat.

Meat and animal derivatives, grains, vegetable protein extracts, oils and fats, vegetable products, minerals, yeast, vegetables, sugar.

EAN: 9003579008287