First Legion Ltd.
The Franco-Prussian War

Algerian Infantry

The Franco-Prussian War was fought between the French under Napoleon III and the Prussians of Otto von Bismarck from 1870-1871. The war was provoked by Bismarck to further his agenda of creating a unified German State, rallying the southern German states to his cause who believed France to be the aggressor. A quick series of victories in by the Prussians and Germans in Eastern France led to the capture of several key cities and Napoleon III himself, leading to the fall of the Second French Empire and the rapid creation of the Third French Republic. The Republican forces were defeated as well culminating in the Siege of Paris. The war ended with the Treaty of Frankfurt in May 1871 and the result of the conflict was a unified German Nation State opening the door for German expansionism and Imperialism. France was ordered to pay significant reparations and to cede Alsace-Lorraine to Germany. The combination of French bitterness and German nationalism resulting from the Franco-Prussian War planted the seeds of the larger First World War some 40 years later.

We are enormously proud to present our release of Algerian Tirailleurs for our Franco Prussian War range. First raised in 1841 as battalions of ‘tirailleurs indigenes’, the locally recruited Algerian infantry were organised into three regiments of Algerian Tirailleurs by a decree dated 10 October 1855 and subsequently served in many illustrious campaigns with distinction, including in the Crimean War, the Second Italian War of Independence, the French intervention in Mexico and of course the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. It was during the Crimean War that the Algerian tirailleurs acquired the nickname of "Turcos" by which they were widely known over the next hundred years. The name reportedly arose from comparisons between the Algerian troops and the Turkish allies serving alongside the French and British forces at the siege of Sevastopol. This dynamic and superbly put together release is we think one of the finest we have ever done and with it we pay homage to the brave men of Algeria that served with such distinction and honor during the battles of 1870.

First Legion will bring this period of history to life covering both the Vikings and their enemies in a way in which only they can, with the superb sculpting and hand painting that is the hallmark of their figures. We hope you like these new soldiers!

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First Legion

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