Titanium wood stove: This innovative design allows for maximum portability owing to its ultralight construction and ability to fold flat. Because this stove burns organic material found on the ground, you’ll save even more weight in your backpack by not needing to carry fuel.

Perfect for portability: This wood stove is designed to collapse to a thickness of only 0.2”, which allows it to be conveniently transported in the supplied 4.5” x 5.25” carrying case. Because this wood stove is constructed of titanium, which is known for its remarkable strength to weight ratio, it weighs only 4.2 oz. A similar stove made from stainless steel would weigh nearly twice as much.

Peace of mind: With this type of stove, there is usually no need to carry a fuel source with you. Dry twigs, sticks, grass, roots, and bark found in the wild are all you need. For this reason, a titanium wood stove makes for a great addition to bug out bags, winter survival kits, disaster supply kits, and ultralight backpacking kits.

Why buy this titanium stove? Most of the titanium stoves you’ll find are actually produced by the same factory, so the difference comes down to price and customer service. We work hard to maintain low prices so that our customers don’t have to think twice about owning these important survival tools. If, for any reason, you are unsatisfied with your purchase, we will provide you with a 100% refund.