**Dos meses de suministro/ 2 month supply*

The seed is taken as a pill, with a large glass of water, at night (not chewed).

- The seed of Brazil begins with the detoxification of your organism, during this process it is probable that you will go more often than usual to the bathroom; since the seed is in charge of purifying the intestine of all the foods that we have consumed for years.

- Approximately three months it begins to undo the oldest fat in the body, this fat is attached to your muscles and by locating it, the seed is demolishing fat and through this process you will be able to lose sizes and weight./ one month supply* 


-Increases muscle mass

-Reduces body fat

-Tones body

-Reduces cholesterol, triglycerides and cellulite

-Improves immune system

-Good sources of antioxidants

-Relieves constipation

-Controls blood pressure

-Es una semilla natural que ayuda a la reduccion de peso y obesidad a traves de la eliminacion de grasa acumulada de nuestro cuerpo, gracias a su alto contenido adiposo(grasa), suavizandolas de manera termica y liberandolas progresivamente del tejido muscular. Por eso es recommendable el consume esta semilla, un  minimo de  3 meses para lograr extraer la grasa por anos que se adhirio a los musculos de tu cuerpo.

It’s only one bottler for 2 month Supply.