Introductory Price!!  Brand New Vintage Windings T-56 Line Matching Transformer.
This is a faithful reproduction of the venerable Triad HS-56. This transformer uses
the same core alloy and wire type/size (all made in USA) as was used by Triad in 1958.
It is wound using the same materials and layer winding technique as was employed
on the originals. They are triple shielded, Hammer tone finished, and will perform Exactly
like the originals or your money back. These WILL be going up in price so get 'em while
they are @ $300.00.

Coming Soon: The VW-T-52 (HS-52 reissue) and the VW-241-D (Peerless K-241-D reissue)

Thanks for looking. VintageWindings