Contact / Kontakt

Got any questions?
We'd love to answer any of your questions!

Opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 9-17, Saturday 9-13:30

Baby Shop
ul. Świętokrzyska 23, 32-500 Chrzanów, Poland

Masz pytania?
Chętnie na wszystkie odpowiemy!

Godziny otwarcia:
pon.-pt: 9:00-17:00, sob.: 9:00-13:30

Baby Shop
ul. Świętokrzyska 23, 32-500 Chrzanów

Shipping / Wysyłka

We usually send out all products within 48 hours after we see money on our bank or PayPal account. We do not ship using the Cash On Delivery (COD) option. For shipping cost please contact us and we will find the best and cheapest way to send products!

The buyer is responsible to pay custom duty.

Wszystkie przedmioty wysyłamy za pośrednictwem Poczty Polskiej lub renomowanych firm kurierskich zwykle w ciągu 48h od momentu zaksięgowania wpłaty na naszym koncie. Koszt wysyłki podany jest w każdej aukcji. Poza granice Polski nie wysyłamy za pobraniem, koszt wysyłki jest ustalany dla każdego kraju indywidualnie, dlatego prosimy o kontakt.

Payment / Płatności

You can pay us using the bank accounts which are above (choose what currency would you like: PLN, EUR or USD) or PayPal.

Wpłaty prosimy dokonywać na nasze konto bankowe lub za pośrednictwem PayPal.

BZ WBK (Swift key: BKPPLPP)
Tomasz Kozub

PL 18 1090 1665 0000 0001 2261 2449 (PLN)
PL 02 1090 1665 0000 0001 3236 5505 (EUR)
PL 93 1090 1665 0000 0001 2373  3971 (USD)

About us / O nas

We run our shop since 2010. It is a stationery shop, however we offer our products in other auctions services and in our internet shop. For our customers convenience we decided to start selling on Ebay! Our experience allows us to offer best, branded and original products only in best prices. In product description you will find info about guarantee. We add receipt to every product, if you would like to receive invoice - let us know and we will add invoice.

Nasz sklep stacjonarny prowadzimy od roku 2010. Sprzedajemy także w innych serwisach aukcyjnych oraz prowadzimy sklep internetowy. Dla wygody naszych klientów postanowiliśmy zacząć sprzedawać także w serwisie Ebay. Nasze wieloletnie doświadczenie zarówno w sprzedaży stacjonarnej jak i internetowej pozwala nam oferować Państwu najlepsze, oryginalne i pochodzące z oficjalnej dystrybucji produkty. Są one objęte gwarancją, jej zasady i długość znajdziecie Państwo w opisie każdego przedmiotu. Do każdego przedmiotu dodajemy paragon, a na życzenie fakturę VAT.


Car seat Kindersitz 15-36 kg Cybex Solution S2 i-Fix / all colours/ viele Farben

Solution S2 i-Fix Car Seat


After purchase, please write to us which color you have chosen.

A car seat that’s as flexible as parents need to be. The Solution S2 i-Fix car seat grows with your child from three to twelve years old, providing the perfect fit at every step.

A reclining headrest keeps your sleeping child’s head in a protected position, cocooned by the seat’s head and shoulder protectors. In the event of a side crash, the head and neck are protected while the Linear Side-impact Protection System helps to divert impact forces away from your child. One-hand height adjustment with 12 settings mean that no matter how fast your child grows, the Solution S2 i-Fix will always grow faster.

Patented reclining headrest
Advanced Linear Side-impact Protection
12-position height-adjustment

UN R129/03

100 - 150 cm

From approx. 15 kg up to 50 kg

From approx. 3 up to 12 years



Helps keep your child’s head in a protected position

The patented reclining headrest helps prevent the child’s head from falling forward while sleeping. Keeping the head in this position means that in the event of a side impact the child will be protected by the seat’s head and shoulder protectors.


Preset Side-Protection for error-free installation

Advanced Linear Side-impact Protection is ready to use from the start, with no extra installation required. In combination with the energy-absorbing shell, it can reduce the force of a side impact by approximately 25%.


Grows with the child

12-position height adjustment lets the seat grow with your child from three to twelve years old. Children do a lot of growing during this time. Easy one-hand adjustment lets you adapt the seat to keep pace.


Maintains a comfortable body temperature

The integrated ventilation system allows cooling airflow to circulate through the car seat. This prevents heat buildup and provides a comfortable seat temperature even on hot days.


Delivers extra stability and safe installation

ISOFIX helps you install the car seat in your vehicle correctly. Set-up is simple with fast one-click attachment. Easy-to-check indicators confirm when the seat is installed so you can go ahead and secure your child with the vehicle’s 3-point belt.


Ensures a comfortable ride for your child throughout the years

The extra wide and deep seat cushion makes your child’s seat the most comfortable spot in the car – with plenty of room for your growing child.


Fits perfectly to your vehicle seat

The adjustable backrest lets the car seat fit perfectly onto any vehicle seat. It simply adjusts to fit snugly in your car.

Diverts impact forces away from your child

The energy-absorbing shell is designed to flex with an impact and channel dangerous forces away from your baby.





Solution S2 i-Fix Kindersitz


Nach dem Kauf schreiben Sie uns bitte, welche

farbe Sie für Ihr Kind gewählt haben.



Ein Kindersitz, der genau so flexibel ist, wie Eltern es sein müssen. Der Solution S2 i-Fix wächst mit Ihrem Kind mit und bietet im Alter von drei bis zwölf Jahren für jede Entwicklungsstufe die ideale Passform.


Die patentierte neigungsverstellbare Kopfstütze des Sitzes hält den Kopf Ihres schlafenden Kindes in einer geschützten Position und umhüllt ihn zusätzlich mit Kopf- und Schulterprotektoren. Bei einem Seitenaufprall werden so Kopf und Nacken geschützt, während der lineare Seitenaufprallschutz dabei unterstützt, die Kräfte von Ihrem Kind abzuleiten. Dank der 12-fach höhenverstellbaren Kopfstütze wächst der Solution S2 i-Fix immer mit – ganz gleich, wie schnell Ihr Kind sich weiterentwickelt.

Patentierte neigungsverstellbare Kopfstütze

Weiterentwickelter linearer Seitenaufprallschutz

12-fache Höhenverstellung




UN R129/03



100 - 150 cm


Ab ca. 15 bis 50 kg


Ab ca. 3 bis 12 Jahre

