Shoelaces that come undone are an annoyance for athletes, children and their parents,
and let’s not forget the children’s sports trainers and coaches. A person with loose shoelaces
has to stop and tie their laces all over again even during a match or training, and even more
importantly loose shoelaces are also dangerous!

To stop shoelaces coming undone people usually tie their laces with a double knot.
This makes undoing the knot more difficult so that (not only) children struggle to take
their own shoes off. And what’s more it doesn’t solve the problem since double knots
can still come undone, even if tied by the parents.

The BRACKS lace lock is the solution to shoelaces that come undone.
The BRACKS lace lock is simple to use, trendy and effective.

Keep your laces tied!

New Pair in original packing - Grey / Lime
Color: bottom / Top 
           Grey / Lime


Never be bothered by shoelaces that come undone, even when children tie their own laces.
Simple to use and simple to remove.
No need for a double knot that is so difficult to untie.
No more being forced into choosing children’s shoes with
Velcro that can so easily get dirty and loose it’s grip.
Children find it difficult to tie their laces and therefore get tired of trying.
With the BRACKS lace lock, tying shoelaces becomes fun!
With BRACKS no more loose shoelaces!
Thank You