The product of activated charcoal makes it extremely absorbent, allowing the activated charcoal to bond, unlike the material in the charcoal brick or molecules, ions or atoms. In this way, it removes these from dissolved substances.
Making activated charcoal involves heating carbon-rich materials such as wood, peat, coconut shells or sawdust to very high temperatures.
This 'activation' process removes the carbon from previously adsorbed molecules and frees up binding sites again. This process also reduces the size of the charcoal's pores and creates more pores in each molecule, therefore increasing its overall surface area.
Scalp is, in other words, like skin, dust collects on the scalp and clogs its pores. Coconut shell charcoal helps to soothe the scalp and remove these impurities. Deep cleansing of the pores helps the scalp to breathe, which stimulates healthy hair growth.