From the most ancient times the legends of the uses of perfumes and oils- their powers for love, health, peace and prosperity have been passed down to us. The mystical and spiritual influence of fragrant oils is recognized and acknowledged without question. Occult and psychic oils are used to anoint the body as a perfume, for dressing candles, an additive to baths, to attract favorable planetary vibrations, blessing objects, to repel bad influences, in purifying rooms and many more purposes. Those special oils are formulated by Miss Anna Riva to vibrate toward a specific objective. 

Pure & Uncut Oils FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY   1/4 fl oz

Chinse Luck According to legend, those who use this scent will be rewarded with the five great blessings- happiness, health, virtue, peace and long life.

ChypreA favorite among gamblers who use it for luck when playing and is highly regarded by business people who have contact with the public in their work. Rub some on your hands to bring great financial gains.

CommandingTo get another to do your bidding, rub on your palms and touch the person to be commanded, looking intently into their eyes and concentrating upon your desires.

Conquering GloryTo gain power over others.

Controlling To control a wayward lover, rub oil on his or her body while they sleep.

CounteractionRid the home of ambivalent forces by anointing the doorknobs all through the house with this powerful fragrance.

Cypress rings calm and tranquility in many stubborn cases, particularly when used by parents on wayward children.

Desire MeInspires romance and should only be worn when one seriously wishes to attract the one he or she is dating.

Devil Trap Rub on the outside doorknobs and windowsills of the home so evil will not be able to enter the premises. Be assured of a blessed home by doing this once a week faithfully.

Draw Back To make a lover come back to you

DrawingA powerful force for bringing money, luck or love to the one who wears this as a perfume.

Drive Away Evil Hurtful and harmful vibrations will be swept away by the seductive fragrance when oil is applied to the outside doorknobs of all entrances of the premises.

Easy LifeApply to your shoulders, neckline and arms to attract the good life with health, blessings, abundance, great fortune, happiness and comfortable old age.

Enchantment The use of this as a perfume builds a spell-binding attractiveness for its user. Try three drops in the morning bath for all day long lasting allure.

EveStimulates men. Can be used by ladies as a perfume or by men as a nature builder

Fast LuckSaid to bring material wealth into the environment of the wearer. Favored by those who play games of chance, need sales, business or profits in a hurry!

Fiery Command powerful fragrance which is immensely popular with those impatient ones who not only want their desires met, but want them now.

Flame Desire This oil is to be used by one who is endeavoring to entrap a reluctant lover.

Forget Me NotWhen a lover is going away, whether for a few hours or a long period of time, wear this fragrance and the separation will be easy- knowing you will stay in the loved one's mind while you are apart.

Frangi PaniAn attraction oil which is worn as a perfume. To attract love, respect and admiration carry with you a Seal of Love and anoint it weekly with this oil.