This is the instructor book containing all four of Jay Goldberg's books (Workplace Basics, Workplace Skills, People Skills and Customer Service) in one volume for his work readiness training program. It also contains extras for program coordinators and instructors not included in the four individual books (for example, how to construct demonstrated competency statements). It can be used to implement a comprehensive training program for work readiness and customer service and can be used in a structured classroom environment or for on-the-job training. The instructor book contains the answers to the exercises and more. What's included in this book? You get lecture content, in-class exercises, individual worksheets for participants; assessment tests with an answer key in the back of the book; competency statements with competency tracking forms; guidance for running a demonstrated-competency based training program, key concept review points to use in a question and answer session with participants at the end of each major section (workplace basics, workplace skills, people skills, customer service) which underscores what the participants should have learned from each section; and eight scenarios where things go right and things go wrong that can be used as read and discuss exercises, or the basis for a certification/final test. As a consultant who developed work readiness training programs for workforce development boards, Mr. Goldberg charged as much as $60,000 to $100,000 to develop and implement a program and then between copying participant materials and multiple textbooks, there was about a $150 to $175 a seat charge. Now for the cost of this book you can implement a program and save the consulting fees; and for the cost of the classroom book (no exercise answers, no instructor materials, etc.) you have a lower per seat charge. In addition to the books, PowerPoint slides have been created to help instructors conduct their training. Purchase this Instructor Guide here. Then visit www.DTRConsulting.BIZ to find out about purchasing a complete program which includes the PowerPoint slides. Why the low cost for the program? The hope is that venues using Mr. Goldberg's work readiness and customer service training materials will structure their programs whereby their participants get to keep their classroom books so that they have a reference tool to use while on the job. This also allows the participants to fill out their personal worksheets in the book itself ensuring that those worksheets become part of their reference tool. It is also why he recommends an open book approach for all in-class exercises, assessment tests, and certification/final tests. Let the participants get used to looking up information in their reference book in class so that they can transfer that skill to the workplace and use the book when issues arise on the job.