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If you're looking for a powerful testosterone booster that can help you achieve maximum muscle growth, increased libido, and enhanced alpha-maleness, then 'Total T-Boost' is the supplement for you. This legal testosterone booster contains five scientifically proven anabolic ingredients in carefully calibrated doses to ensure maximum effectiveness.


The five potent ingredients in 'Total T-Boost' are D-Aspartic acid, Shilajit, high-strength Maca extract, L-Arginine, and Tribulus Terrestris. These natural ingredients have been chosen for their ability to increase testosterone levels, improve athletic performance, and enhance sexual desire.


D-Aspartic acid is an amino acid that has been shown to affect the release of testosterone in the body.

 In a study involving 23 men, daily doses of DAA for 12 days led to a significant increase in testosterone levels.

 Shilajit, a magical herb from India, is known for its rejuvenating properties, strength-giving abilities, and aphrodisiac qualities.

 One scientific study found that certain men experienced a significant increase in testosterone levels when taking Shilajit.

 High-strength Maca extract, a herb from the Peruvian Andes, is loaded with protein and has been used for centuries as a natural libido booster and all-around male enhancer.

 One study on male cyclists found that 14 days of Maca supplementation improved cycling performance and sexual desire. 

L-Arginine is the number one amino acid for improving athletic and workout performance, and it may also play a role in human growth hormone release. 

It's a potent vasodilator that can help increase blood flow and unleash the beast in you.

 Finally, Tribulus Terrestris is a Bulgarian herb that was rumored to produce outlandish testosterone gains in powerlifters in the past.


All these natural ingredients have been carefully combined into one super T-boosting supplement, and the dosages are specifically designed to elicit a safe and effective response from your body.

 The recommended starting dosage is two capsules per day, and you can adjust the dosage based on your body's response.


Total T-Boost is suitable for any man, regardless of age or fitness level, who wants to increase testosterone levels and experience noticeable results.

 The more testosterone you have circulating in your body, the better your muscle-building and physique-enhancing results are likely to be. 

In just a week or two, you'll start noticing the results: increased strength, easier lifting, more muscle mass, and increased sex drive. 

You may even notice an increased level of confidence that comes with being an alpha male.


At Vitamines, we personally source the best ingredients from a large network of suppliers to ensure the optimum quality of what's actually going into your supplement.

 We also expertly manufacture our supplements, which means we know exactly what goes into them. 

Our supplements are made with the maximum yet safest dosages, and we ensure they are unadulterated with any other possible harmful substances.


We buy ingredients in bulk to bring you the lowest possible prices, which means you're getting the best possible supplement for your money.

 Order Total T-Boost today and become the alpha male that others fear!