Original issue, US Army Center of Military History Historical Publication, 643 pages, size is 7" x 10", hard cover, dated 1952.  This is not a commercial copy or print but an original issue government print originally published in 1952 and republished in 1966.  This is part of the US Army in World War II historical series (the "green" books).  This book is titled - CMH Publication 5-2, The War in the Pacific, The Fall of the Philippines by Louis Morton, (1953, 1989, tables, maps, illustrations (black and white photographs), bibliographical note, glossary, index).  A detailed description of the three-month defense of Bataan, the seige of Corregidor, the soldier's life in the crowded intimacy of Malinta Tunnel, MacArthur's evacuation, and the surrender of 78,000 American and Allied troops.