These Nintendo Gamecube Thermal Pads have been measured to fit your GameCube's CPU, GPU, and SRAM Memory! 

- Affordable and functional kit!

- High Quality Heat Dissipation!

- I use these custom Heat Thermal Pads myself when refurbishing and repairing Nintendo Gamecube Consoles!

Why do you need this for your Gamecube?

When you lift your Heatsink off of your Gamecubes motherboard; the existing thermal Pad becomes damaged and MUST be replaced. Fail to do this and the Heat generated from your Gamecube Motherboard won't transfer to the heatsink well which can damage your console after playing long game sessions.

You need to replace that damaged thermal pad with accurate sized Gamecube CPU, GPU, SRAM Thermal Pads. The depth of the thermal pads are extremely important, but I've done all the work of achieving the proper dept so that your heat sink will make contact with the thermal Pad without applying a lot of pressure to these delicate components. 

They fit snug and they transfer heat perfectly for those long gaming sessions! 

I used these Thermal Pads myself when creating Picoboot Gamecubes. They are an Absolute must whenever you install a picoboot Mod or open up your Gamecube to inspect and clean it!