100% Beeswax. Natural herbs. Amazing aroma or fresh herbs and natural Beeswax


Twisting a candle with herbs is a source of powerful energy.

Candles with herbs return all that is important in life to the house, which is often very lacking. This is harmony, peace, tranquility, inspiration, joy, and, of course, happiness. 

Candles with herbs are authentic talismans, as they are charged with love, care, and positive, powerful energy.


Red candle - Rose and Lavender - for love, and relationships. Very powerful in Love Rituals

Black - Sage, Lavender, Salt, and Eucalyptus - for Banishing, Protection, Forgiveness, and Cleansing Rituals. 

Yellow - Sage, Mint, Lavender. - Healing, Calm, Balance, and Harmony Rituals.




How to use it:

Take a large candlestick (it can be a wide glass cup) because herbal candles burn quite powerfully, and wax can drip. This is a safety measure. You can pour salt into the candlestick, this will give stability to the candle, and at the same time, salt is a powerful helper in cleansing rituals. 




Focus on your request. For example, if you want to attract abundance and money into your life, think about this. Do not think about the ways to achieve the goal, think only about prosperity.  Light a candle and ask the Higher Powers for what you need. It can be out loud, it can be in a whisper, it can be mentally.



Watch the candle as it burns and stay close to the candle all the time it burns. Never leave a burning candle unattended!



Size - 6" long