Seed QTY 10

Minimal packaging - Ziplock labelled bags

Marina di Chioggia, a rustic heirloom sea pumpkin from Chioggia on the coast of Italy.

It’s also known as Zucca Barucca and Zucca Santa meaning holy pumpkin and is considered the King of Italian squashes.

A warty, almost toad like green-blue skinned squash with beautiful flavourful yellow-orange flesh inside. It is a slightly flattened turban shaped, medium to large squash that can weigh up to 10kg. It stores particularly well and can keep for up to 6 months in cool conditions.


Sow April/early June in a propagator on a windowsill or one seed (on edge) per 7.5cm (3”) pot in a greenhouse at approximately 20-25°C (68-78°F) using a good quality moist compost.

Cover seeds with 19mm (¾”) compost.

Germination 5-8 days.

Grow on, planting out when frost risk has passed, 90cm (36”) between plants each way.

Alternatively sow direct late May in to soil placing 2 seeds per station 90cm (36”) each way.

Thin to one plant per station.

Produces up to 5 fruits around 5kg (11lb) each. (Trailing variety).

Sowing to Cropping: 18 weeks.