24/03/2024 Reduced by 30% GREAT PRICES FANTASTIC QUALITY

Mochilas, also known as Wayuu bags, are hand-woven textiles that are traditionally made by the Wayuu people of South America. These bags are known for their intricate designs and bright colours, which are created using a variety of weaving techniques. The bags can be used for carrying personal items, such as food, clothing, and other necessities, and they serve as a symbol of Wayuu cultural heritage.

The production of mochilas is an important source of income for many Wayuu families and helps to preserve traditional weaving techniques and cultural identity. Each mochila is unique and takes many days to complete, as the weaving process is done entirely by hand. The intricate designs on the mochilas often tell stories and reflect the cultural beliefs and values of the Wayuu people.

In recent years, mochilas have become increasingly popular outside of South America and are now sought after by people all over the world for their beauty and cultural significance. The sale of mochilas has provided a source of income for many Wayuu families and has helped to raise awareness of the cultural heritage of the Wayuu people. However, it is important to ensure that the production and sale of mochilas is done in a way that is sustainable and supports the preservation of Wayuu cultural heritage.

Please note that Mochila Bags are hand made individually and there is only one piece available per design.

There is no waiting weeks for the bags to arrive at your door as each item is here in the UK and will be sent by Royal Mail tracked 2 days. No import charges or delivery charges either. The quality is exceptional and will last a lifetime.

Made in Colombia - Que Chimba!