Titles in this set:
Accidental Detective 
School's Cancelled
Granny Trouble 
Show Stoppers
Holiday Adventure
Fright Night

Description :-
Anisha Accidental Detective: School's Cancelled
"I've been working sooo hard with Milo and Govi to make our super-erupting volcano for the school science fair. I really thought we might win first prize - a trip to the National Space Centre. But now we're in BIG trouble.

Anisha Accidental Detective: Granny Trouble
Milo and I have been looking forward to this half-term for what feels like FOREVER - we're finally going to the National Space Centre, to meet a real-life space engineer!

Anisha, Accidental Detective:
My whole family wanted to tag along and visit a festival first, where this super-famous, mega-expensive diamond is on display. But guess what? The diamond has been STOLEN! And the police think MY GRANNY did it so she's in serious TROUBLE.

Anisha, Accidental Detective: Show Stoppers
I'm SO busy - our class is putting on a musical, and we only have ONE WEEK before curtain up. And, as it's nearly DIWALI, Granny Jas is cooking non-stop, and Auntie Bindi is determined to BRING THE BLING.

Anisha, Accidental Detective: Holiday Adventure
Milo can't wait to see the wildlife, Manny's learning survival skills, and even Granny's going to have a go at archery. Honestly, I just want to read my book, but there's NEVER any time to relax for Anisha, Accidental Detective....

Fright Night

It's Halloween and everyone is excited about the school disco. It's a bit much for me - all that dressing-up and dancing. I'd rather cosy up with a good book, but Milo, Mindy and Manny are all super excited.Or at least, they were excited, until all these strange things started happening - messages appearing on the whiteboard, lights flickering on and off, books flying off the library shelves... Some of the other kids have been whispering that the school is haunted, but Mr Graft says that if the spooky mischief doesn't stop, then the disco will be cancelled.