Lectrosonics SRc dual channel receiver in wideband B1 (537-614MHz, or Blocks 21-23) - s/n 1081 - 7 years old
Lectrosonics LT Transmitter in wideband B1 - s/n 2615 - 6 years old
Lectrosonics SMd Transmitter in Block 22 - s/n 215 - 9+ years old
Lectrosonics SREXT plate for SRc receiver with 2 TA3 out, and a 2.1mm short locking power connector for BDS

These have been working great together but I am looking to swap this frequency band for A1 to enhance my personal workflow.
The pricing is set with the below prices in mind:
SRc: $2,100
LT: $1,050
SMd: $600

The LT has a great user interface, is a bit larger than SMs, but not noticeably thicker. It's closer to the size of a G4 but a bit flatter. You can change the power settings on it from 50mW to 100mW. 6.00 firmware
The SMd is exactly the same as the SMQv's, except the only power setting is 100mW. This even works with Lectro RM Remote
The SRc is on firmware 1.18 and does not include NU Hybrid compatibility until the firmware is updated