Complete & Unabridged

15 Hours  / MP3

Read by Christopher Price

F. Paul Wilson wrote THE TOMB as a one-shot, never intending to carry it further. But its protagonist, Repairman Jack, struck a resounding chord with readers. The novel never went out of print and Jack's fans grew to be legion.

Much to the chagrin of his girlfriend, Gia, Repairman Jack doesn't deal with appliances. He fixes situations--situations that too often land him in deadly danger. His latest fix is finding a stolen necklace which, unknown to him, is more than a simple piece of jewelry.

Some might say it's cursed, others might call it blessed. The quest leads Jack to a rusty freighter on Manhattan's West Side docks. What he finds in its hold threatens his sanity and the city around him. But worst of all, it threatens Gia's daughter Vicky, the last surviving member of a bloodline marked for extinction.

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