Descrizione / Description


Fork Bridge Screws

  • Fork bridge screws (set of 5 pieces) black suitable for all Harley-Davidson Muscle , Night Rod Special models. These triple tree bolts replace the original zinc-plated bolts with bolts of the same quality.
  • The black galvanized Cult-Werk screws are less noticeable in black and give the black fork the finishing touch . 5 pieces = 1 piece for the upper triple clamp and 4 pieces for the lower triple clamp. Since the screws are not painted or coated, there is no flaking when tightening, just permanently beautiful!
  • Material: high-strength steel / black galvanized

  • Denominazione Prodotto : Materiale di montaggio
    Finitura/colore : Nero
    Posizione Di Montaggio : Anteriore
    Tipo : Fork
    Unita` : Kit


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      La descrizione e le specifiche possono essere soggette a modifiche senza preavviso dal produttore, a volte l'immagine è indicativa e potrebbe differire dal contenuto effettivo / description and specifications may be subject to change without notice from the manufacturer, sometimes the image is indicative and may differ from actual content.

      L'uso del marchio e del modello del veicolo in questa asta descrive solo lo scopo previsto del prodotto offerto in questa vendita in conformità con l'art. 21 del Codice della proprietà industriale / The use of the Vehicle Brand and Model in this auction only describes an intended purpose of the product offered in this sale in according to the Art. 21 of the Code of Industrial Property.



    CULT-WERK - UNBEATABLE QUALITY !! The Cult-Werk team consists of qualified, committed and dynamic employees and engineers, some of whom have more than 25 years of experience, forming a solid basis for our company. Renowned companies from the vehicle and motorcycle sector rely on the quality of Cult Werk! What started out of a passion for Porsche and Harley-Davidson® became today's Cult-Werk, MEC Engineering GmbH with headquarters in Austria. As an independent and innovative plastic production company, specializing in the requirements in the field of vehicle and motorcycle attachments - Made in Germany! Today, as a medium-sized company, we cover the entire realization chain - scanning, prototyping, 3D printing, tool making - up to the production of a finished plastic part. With great attention to the needs of our customers, we can offer a solution-oriented and flexible way of working with the highest quality and deadline security. PLASTIC IS THE FUTURE Our modern everyday life would no longer be conceivable without the diverse products and solutions from chemistry. Plastics impressively demonstrate to us every day how enormous the innovative potential of chemistry is. They help us today to make our lives safer, simpler and more individual and open up great opportunities for us to shape a future worth living in. Dynamic and offensive, CULT-WERK meets all the demands of the market; a cooperative working relationship with our business partners and customers is therefore a matter of course for us! Our goal is to continue to develop in an environmentally conscious manner from our own earning power and with the help of state-of-the-art technology. This requires a perfect symbiosis of profound professional competence, creative engineering spirit, economic thinking and the willingness to learn something new every day. Walk this path together with us!


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