A magical scene has been captured inside this enchanting globe, bringing to life the Dragon Mage artwork by fantasy artist Anne Stokes.

A fiery-haired mage stands on a rocky outcrop, her white hooded robe flowing over her bright blue dress. In her left hand she holds a powerful staff with a small red jewel set in the top, the source of all her magic and power.

An arcane dragon curls protectively around the mage, it's magnificent violet tinged scales shimmering with it's own potent magic. The mage reaches up her hands to scratch beneath the dragon's chin, these two powerful beings are obviously firm friends.

The stand is designed as a staircase at the side of a stone castle, two young dragonlings play on the steps amongst the shining red crystals that sprout from the rocks around them.

A shake of the globe surrounds the dragon and mage in a whirlwind of glitter, adding the final enchanting touch to this beautiful collector's piece.

Cast in resin with a glass globe and lovingly hand-painted by Nemesis Now, comes in a matching art box.

Approx 18cm tall.