LYAPKO Acupuncture Little One 3,5 Acupressure Applicator Massager 133 Needles

Small applicators are designed for use in complex application therapy as an auxiliary tool and for independent application to various areas of the body according to acupuncture treatment methods. Additionally, they can be used as first aid and applied in emergency situations such as loss of consciousness, fainting, insect bites, relieving heart attacks, bronchospasm, and alleviating acute pain.

Having the small applicator with you in your bag or pocket, home, work, during travel, or while on vacation makes it an indispensable first aid tool.

It is convenient for targeting areas of greatest pain. It is recommended to wear it under a belt, elastic bandage, or securing bandage. Due to its small contact area, it can be worn for a long duration, approximately 1 to 3 hours.

Applying pressure on the face along the massage lines for 3-7 minutes provides a toning effect and increases blood pressure.

The applicator is also recommended for skincare of the face, neck, and décolleté area. It is convenient for massage procedures, promotes metabolic processes in tissues and cells, helps combat facial wrinkles, improves lymph and blood circulation, reduces swelling of various origins, and increases skin firmness and elasticity. As a result, facial contour improves, the appearance of a double chin is reduced, and skin aging processes slow down.

The effect of the applicator facilitates deeper penetration of active ingredients from cosmetic products into the skin. Water-based cosmetic products (toner, serum) are applied during the application process, while oil-based cosmetic products are recommended after the application procedure.

The impact of the Small Applicator on active zones corresponding to organs on the palms and soles, according to the Su Jok therapy method, has a positive and healing effect on the body. Study the diagram carefully, which shows the correspondence scheme on the hands and feet. Identify the area with the corresponding point to the problematic organ. Apply the small applicator to that zone and apply slight pressure for a few minutes. By regularly performing such manipulations, you can significantly improve the condition of the affected organ.

Specifications: “Little One 3.5”, needle distance 3.5 mm / 0.13 inch, size 36 х 84 mm / 1.41 х 3.30 inch, number of needles 133.

Composition: iron, copper, nickel, zinc, silver - 12.5%, medical rubber.
All Lyapko Applicators are made of rubber for medical purposes. They have a characteristic rubber smell. Rubber is completely safe for human health.

Color: blue, red, orange, green.
Applicator colors are randomly selected. At the request of the customer, it is possible to send the applicator in the color chosen by him, if it is in stock at the time of the order (the color does not affect the characteristics and properties of the applicators).

Lyapko application devices in the process of use come into contact with the skin without damaging it, and do not have contact with blood.

When used individually, the Lyapko applicator does not need disinfection. Hygienic care for him includes: treatment with a washing solution (shampoo, liquid soap), rinsing with running water and drying with a stream of hot air (using a hair dryer).

With proper care, the applicator will last 5-7 years.

Each Lyapko Applicator has a warranty card - 1 year.

💙💛 This product is made in Ukraine. Development of the Ukrainian scientist Lyapko N.G.

After years of medical practice, it has been consistently demonstrated that the Lyapko applicator provides a dependable and harmless effect without causing any unwanted side-effects, complications, or allergic reactions. The applicators have a potent and multifaceted impact, with their high efficiency, simplicity, and reliability making them truly unique with no equal in the world.

The Lyapko applicator works by mobilizing the body's internal resources, stimulating the natural production of remedies in the required dosage, and compensating for a lack of motor activity. Designed by reflexologist Lyapko N. G. of Ukraine, these applicators are intended for widespread use in complex therapy and preventative care for various illnesses and pathological states. It is an excellent way to maintain and improve one's health.

Dr. Lyapko's unique technology, based on the Chinese method of influencing biologically active points and zones using needle bundles (mej-hua-tchen), involves the use of many-needle applicators and special needles made of various metals and metal coatings such as copper, zinc, iron, nickel, and silver. These needles are then arranged in a particular order on a rubber base, effectively increasing and diversifying the number of factors affecting the skin and augmenting the therapeutic and healing effects of the applicator.

Lyapko Applicator Benefits:
  • Boosts energy and productivity, regulates sleep and metabolism, and uplifts mood.
  • Helps prevent and treat digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological disorders.
  • Restores sexual health, improving sexual function for both men and women, while alleviating inflammation and menstrual cycle disorders in gynecological conditions.
  • Speeds up recovery time after brain injury, fractures, surgeries, and strokes.
  • Relieves back pain, headaches, joint pain, and muscle soreness.
  • Normalizes endocrine balance and metabolism, aiding in weight loss for obese individuals and weight gain for those who are underweight due to endocrine disorders.
  • Increases the effectiveness of massage, acupuncture, laser therapy, and microwave resonant therapy by two to three times.
  • Helps break harmful habits such as smoking and alcoholism.
  • Reduces dependence on medication over time.

The Lyapko applicator is composed of elastic rubber plates or rollers with special needle configurations, made from essential metals for the human body such as zinc, copper, iron, nickel, and silver.

While copper (brass) and iron are the primary metals used for the needles, some may be coated with other metals, leaving the tips uncoated.

The Lyapko applicator "family" offers multiple applicator options with different dimensions, shapes, needle distances, and fixation methods.

Both the applicator plates and rollers produce similar effects, allowing for standalone or combined use to achieve a more potent effect.

Differences between Lyapko Applicator Plates and Rollers

Lyapko applicators come in two main forms: plates and rollers, each with their unique benefits.

Applicator plates are designed for static stimulation and are ideal for curving parts of the body such as the back, abdomen, chest, lumbosacral area, palms, and feet. They can be placed directly on the affected area of the body, and with a little sandbag or bandage, even pressure can be applied. No assistance is required to apply the plates.

Applicator rollers, on the other hand, are ideal for dynamic stimulation and can be used on all parts of the body. They offer a "needle shower" type of stimulation that requires assistance to cover areas that are difficult to reach. The roller can be used to quickly warm up the body after exposure to extreme cold in just 10 minutes. Children often enjoy the sensation of being "rolled" with the applicator and can even find it fun.

How to Choose Lyapko Applicator on Needle Step (Needle Distance)

One important parameter to pay attention to when choosing a Lyapko applicator is the needle step (distance between needles). Our applicators vary in needle step, from 3.5 to 7.0 mm. The appropriate needle step should be selected based on individual skin sensitivity and the desired level of intensity during the procedure, taking into account comfort during use.

Our reflexologists recommend the following:

All applicators can be classified according to the distance between needles as follows:

The Stimulation Mechanisms of the Lyapko Applicator

The Lyapko applicator uses various mechanisms to stimulate the body, providing many benefits to its users.
  1. Reflex and Mechanical Stimulation: The applicator's many needles stimulate certain zones and biologically active points, producing a reflex reaction and micromassage of the skin and underlying tissues.
  2. Galvanic and Electric Stimulation: The applicator's needles, made of different metals, produce electric ionic currents between them, accompanied by electrophoresis into the body's internal medium. Galvanization improves metabolism, promotes production of biologically active substances, enhances nerve impulses conduction, and reduces pain sensitivity.
  3. Humoral Effect: The applicator's needles, made of copper, zinc, nickel, iron, and silver, provide essential microelements to the body through microiontophoresis, promoting the normal functioning of various organs and systems.
How to Properly Use Lyapko Applicators

Lyapko applicators, both flat static applicators and applicator rollers, are used to stimulate various zones in the body. They can help alleviate pain, reduce stress, restore working capacity, and normalize the state of the nervous system. In order to achieve the therapeutic effects of these applicators, it is important to stimulate the main zone causing the trouble, as well as additional and subsidiary zones. The main zone, which is located on the spine, should always be included in the prescription.

It is essential to choose the correct zones, rates, and ways of stimulation for the best results. The symmetric zones located on the unaffected side can also be included in the formula of stimulation to increase therapeutic effect. The additional and subsidiary zones can be used if there are reasons that prevent stimulation of the main zone, and they may be located opposite to the location of the main zone.

Proper laying of the applicators is also important. The correct distribution of body weight over the entire surface of the applicator is necessary. The applicator should not be placed on a completely flat surface. To lay the applicators correctly, it is recommended to use cushions or rolled up towels to model the curves of the spine in the neck and loin areas.

During the first five minutes of use, there may be a sensation of discomfort and pricking, which will gradually turn into a sensation of warmth and pleasant vibration. Later, there may be a feeling of drowsiness and relaxation, leading to healthy, sound sleep.

If a patient experiences discomfort for 10-15 minutes, it is recommended to remove the applicators and apply them again only in 5-10 hours or the next day, covering a smaller area. Discomfort may be caused by incorrect laying of the applicators, uneven loading of needles, or slipping of the applicators, which can lead to scratching of the skin. In this case, the patient can try rising and placing a soft roller under their knees before lying on the applicator again.

Stimulation Time for Using Lyapko Applicators

The duration of stimulation for Lyapko applicators varies depending on the symptoms and issues being addressed. For intense pain, high blood pressure, irritability, agitation, and insomnia, it is recommended to use the applicators in the evening or before bedtime, with a stimulation time of 15-30 minutes (10-15 minutes for the roller applicator). On the other hand, for hypotension, somnolence, weakness, decreased sensitivity, weakened patients, and the elderly, it is more effective to use the applicators in the morning or early afternoon, with a stimulation time of 7-10 minutes for the plate applicator and 5-7 minutes for the roller applicator.

In certain cases, long stimulation for 30 minutes to 1-2 hours may be used for considerable positive effect. The recommended course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, with a 2-4 week interval before repeating the treatment. Many people have reported positive results from long-term, daily use of the applicators, including steady improvements in general health, chronic pain relief, and increased vitality and productivity.

Millions of individuals have experienced the unique benefits of Lyapko applicators and continue to rely on them for their health and wellness needs. While other medications may run out, Lyapko applicators offer a lasting solution to health concerns.

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Return of goods is possible within 30 days after receipt.
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