Contact / Kontakt

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Opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 9-17, Saturday 9-13:30

Baby Shop
ul. Świętokrzyska 23, 32-500 Chrzanów, Poland

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Chętnie na wszystkie odpowiemy!

Godziny otwarcia:
pon.-pt: 9:00-17:00, sob.: 9:00-13:30

Baby Shop
ul. Świętokrzyska 23, 32-500 Chrzanów

Shipping / Wysyłka

We usually send out all products within 48 hours after we see money on our bank or PayPal account. We do not ship using the Cash On Delivery (COD) option. For shipping cost please contact us and we will find the best and cheapest way to send products!

The buyer is responsible to pay custom duty.

Wszystkie przedmioty wysyłamy za pośrednictwem Poczty Polskiej lub renomowanych firm kurierskich zwykle w ciągu 48h od momentu zaksięgowania wpłaty na naszym koncie. Koszt wysyłki podany jest w każdej aukcji. Poza granice Polski nie wysyłamy za pobraniem, koszt wysyłki jest ustalany dla każdego kraju indywidualnie, dlatego prosimy o kontakt.

Payment / Płatności

You can pay us using the bank accounts which are above (choose what currency would you like: PLN, EUR or USD) or PayPal.

Wpłaty prosimy dokonywać na nasze konto bankowe lub za pośrednictwem PayPal.

BZ WBK (Swift key: BKPPLPP)
Tomasz Kozub

PL 18 1090 1665 0000 0001 2261 2449 (PLN)
PL 02 1090 1665 0000 0001 3236 5505 (EUR)
PL 93 1090 1665 0000 0001 2373  3971 (USD)

About us / O nas

We run our shop since 2010. It is a stationery shop, however we offer our products in other auctions services and in our internet shop. For our customers convenience we decided to start selling on Ebay! Our experience allows us to offer best, branded and original products only in best prices. In product description you will find info about guarantee. We add receipt to every product, if you would like to receive invoice - let us know and we will add invoice.

Nasz sklep stacjonarny prowadzimy od roku 2010. Sprzedajemy także w innych serwisach aukcyjnych oraz prowadzimy sklep internetowy. Dla wygody naszych klientów postanowiliśmy zacząć sprzedawać także w serwisie Ebay. Nasze wieloletnie doświadczenie zarówno w sprzedaży stacjonarnej jak i internetowej pozwala nam oferować Państwu najlepsze, oryginalne i pochodzące z oficjalnej dystrybucji produkty. Są one objęte gwarancją, jej zasady i długość znajdziecie Państwo w opisie każdego przedmiotu. Do każdego przedmiotu dodajemy paragon, a na życzenie fakturę VAT.



The FLEX Black Edition stroller by EURO CART

a large seat for children up to 22 kg


The FLEX Black Edition stroller by EURO CART is the newest version of this popular model. The Black Edition version includes 4 fashionable colours and a black chassis which meat the newest trends. FLEX is the "big brother" of the extremely popular VOLT PRO model. However, the FLEX stroller is a bigger one with a large seat that will certainly be sufficient till the baby stops needing it. The maximum load capacity is 26.5 kg! This includes a maximum weight of 22 kg for the child, a load capacity of 3 kg for the basket under the stroller, and 1.5 kg for the optional bag hanging on the stroller handle. The wheels on the FLEX model are also bigger than on its "little brother". Underneath the stroller there is a large shopping basket with a zipped flap for easy access when the backrest is in the reclined position.

The height-adjustable handle makes the FLEX baby stroller comfortable to push not only for parents who are tall. Lowering the handle will also be helpful when bumping the stroller up to the curb.

The seat of the FLEX stroller is already certified for children from birth (0+ seat). This means that children who are not yet able to sit up on their own can be carried in the pushchair. Remember, however, that the backrest should be in a reclined position. The special 5-point safety belts are height-adjustable, making the seat comfortable for both your baby and a large child weighing up to 22 kg.

The sun canopy hangs high on the backrest of the stroller, which means that the FLEX stroller can easily hold a child weighing up to 22 kg. The large additional section of the canopy is hidden under a zipper. After opening it, you can tilt the canopy forward to almost completely cover your child. We did not forget about the parent window for your child. The canopy adjustment has a comfortable and quiet mechanism that ensures its stable position (the wind will not fold the canopy). At the back of the stroller there is a large zippered ventilation panel and a practical pocket for small items.

FLEX is very well equipped as a standard. Along with the stroller you get a leg cover (warmer), full rain cover with vents, mosquito net and bottle holder.

The main advantages of the FLEX stroller:

25 KG CAPACITY - the total permissible load capacity of the stroller is up to 25 kg. It consists of the maximum weight of the child up to 22 kg and the basket load up to 3 kg.

LARGE SEAT – the seat of the FLEX stroller is large, wide and comfortable. It makes flex a perfect stroller for bigger babies up to 22 kg. Large canopy with additional section will cover your baby from sun and wind.

0+ SEAT - the FLEX stroller can be used for babiesbeginning on the first day of their life. Babies who are less than 6 months old and who cannot sit up by themselves can be transported with the backrest in a reclined position. The safety of your child is ensured by the special 5-point harness, certified for children from birth to 22 kg.

CANOPY WITH UV50+ FILTER - the sun protection canopy is made of fabric with UV50+ filter, so your child will be better protected on sunny days.


QUALITY - The quality of the FLEX stroller, in addition to mandatory certificates, is confirmed by its constant popularity throughout the European Union. Only on the EU streets there are already more than 20 thousand FLEX strollers.

ADJUSTABLE HANDLE HEIGHT - ensures comfortable pushing not only for parents who are tall. An additional advantage of this adjustment is that it makes it easier to push the pushchair up a curb when the handle is set to the lowest position.



- modern stroller suitable for childrenfrom birth and up to 22 kg of weight (0+)

- adjustable handle bar height

- ultra light aluminum frame

- big wheels with ball bearings andsuspension

- adjustable height of shoulder belts

- canopy with extra section and parentwindow

- handle bar covered with antislip TPRmaterial

- bumper bar covered with antislip TPRmaterial

- possibility of folding with bumperand canopy on

- 3 positions of backrest

- 2 positions of leg rest

- foot cover

- airflow in rear part of canopy

- full rain cover(covers the whole soft cover)

- mosquito net

- bottle holder

- swivel/lockable front wheels

- locking device

- parent window

- large basket

- useful pocket in the rear of the canopy

- link brake

- made according to European safety standard EN 1888-1:2018i EN 1888-2:2018




Unfolded with wheels: 87 x 52.5 x 109

Folded with wheels: 86 x 52.5 x 35

Handle bar adjusting range (height from the ground): 86 - 110

Handle bar neutral height (straight position): 106

Seat width: 35

Backrest height: 47

Seat length: 21

Leg rest length: 18

Wheels diameter(front/rear): 15 / 21

WEIGHT [kg]: 9.2