Baedeker Guide To Russia 1914 Reprint.

This is a faithful reprint of the 1914 Baedeker guide to Russia containing 590 pages, 40 maps and 78 plans.

It is a guide to Russia and includes excursions to Teheran, Port Arthur and Peking via the Trans Siberian Railway. A map of the Russian rail network in 1914 is to be found at the back.

The 1914 Baedeker was the first and only English edition for Russia and is the most comprehensive volume for that country. Poland and Finland are also included.

Original volumes for Russia are extremely rare and valuable. Reprints are also now very scarce.

This guide is in extremely good condition with no noticeable wear. There is some annotation in pencil on a few pages only.

Altogether a fascinating guide to this huge nation 110 years ago.