Supported Mach3 functions:

  •  Jog.
  •  Reference inputs.
  •  E-stop input.
  •  Softlimits.
  •  Limit switch inputs.
  •  Limits override.
  •  Index input (extended function supports multi slot spindle sensors)
  •  Spindle speed PWM control output.
  •  Step and direction spindle control output.
  •  Spindle and coolant relay control.
  •  Charge pump safety signal output (configurable to active/inactive when in E-stop).
  •  Charge pump adjustable frequency (12.50kHz in normal or 5kHz in laser mode).
  •  All signals configurable to active High/Low.
  •  General purpose I/O signals handling.
  •  Offline mode.
  •  All MPGs and encoders support. (2pcs maximum one time)
  •  Slave axis.
  •  Backlash compensation.
  •  Digit/probe input.
  •  THC control inputs.


Be aware that counterfeit UC100 motion controllers are sold on e-bay!

The fake devices will not work with our software!