An ACT For LIMITING And SETLING [sic] The PRICES For WINES. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th Day of September, Anno Domini 1656

Author: [Wine]. [England, Parliament]. Cromwell, Oliver [1599 - 1658] - Lord Protector
Title: An ACT For LIMITING And SETLING [sic] The PRICES For WINES. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th Day of September, Anno Domini 1656
Publication: London: Printed by Henry Hills, and John Field, Printers to His Highness. 1657
Edition: 1st edition (Wing E-1046). Not in Gabler, nor Goldsmith

Description: [2], 2 pp. Commonwealth seal to t.p. Folio: *2. 10-5/8" x 6-3/4". Printed self-wrappers. Now housed in a clear archival mylar sleeve. VG (split developing along fold). Now housed in archival mylar sleeve.

Gabler, though not listing this item, does briefly discuss (& list) divers tracts & pamphlets written in the early 1640s voicing public outrage over a contract between Charles I and the Vintner's Company of London- under said contract the Vintners agreed to pay a 46 shilling tax on every ton of Spanish & French wine & also agreed to annually buy a certain amount from English importers. In return, the vintners were permitted to sell cooked victuals (a proviso *not* in their original charter) & allowed to recoup the tax by charging a penny a quart more that the officially published price. The ultimate effect was to give the Vintners' Company a monopoly on the wine trade, all the while enriching the coffers of Charles I. Needless to say, wine drinkers were livid. Parliament eventually responded in the consumers' favor. [Gabler, pp. 2-3].

This act of Cromwell's establishes limitations on prices for Spanish & French wines, a proclamation issued perhaps in memory of the Vintner's Company earlier attempts at profiteering?

Seller ID: 26937

Subject: Potpourri

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