Jungle Expert Patch
25th Infantry Tropic Lightning Jungle Expert Patch (GREEN) - Green Hell - Hawaii

The 25th Infantry “Tropic  Lightning” Division in Hawaii has resurrected the Jungle Operations  Training Course (JOTC) on the island of Oahu in order to prepare and  train Soldiers, joint services, and foreign partner nations to conduct  successful operations in a jungle environment.

Not since the late 90's has the Army had the  capability to train a battalion-sized element in jungle operations — nor  did we have the interest. Our focus was quickly drawn (and rightly so)  to the urban, desert, and mountain environments of Iraq and Afghanistan.  Currently within the Department of Defense, only the U.S. Marine Corps  maintains a jungle course in Okinawa, Japan, and its future is  uncertain. The U.S. rebalance to the Asia-Pacific region necessitates  jungle training as a very relevant and necessary move for our Soldiers.  This is especially so for the regionally assigned and regionally engaged  25th Infantry Division whose partnerships and theater security  cooperation exercises often draw them into a jungle environment.

In the spring of 2013, in conjunction with  the 25th Infantry Division being off-ramped from Operation Enduring  Freedom (OEF) deployments, the division initiated a plan to set  conditions for the “Asia-Pacific Rebalance.” First, it established a  much-needed expeditionary mindset, which propelled the division into a  readiness status not seen since the advent of the global war on  terrorism (GWOT). A battalion task force would provide an immediate  reaction company (IRC) within 18 hours and battalion task force with a  brigade combat team (BCT) assault command post at 96 hours in order to  provide the Pacific Command (PACOM) commander with a contingency  response force (CRF). Within 90 days, an N-hour sequence, a  pre-assumption inspection program, and an emergency deployment readiness  exercise (EDRE) program had all been developed, validated, and tested. A  battalion from each of the two BCTs were empowered to assist in the  development of the CRF requirements. The CRF1 (the alert battalion)  requirements were primarily planned and validated by the Cacti of the  2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment. How to support the load out, the  CRF5, fell to the Gimlets of the 1st Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment.  This empowerment fostered “ground up” development and proved essential  to the rapid and effective emplacement of this new capability. This  effort was capped off with a 3rd BCT EDRE which combined live, virtual,  constructive, and gaming (LVCG) along with live-fire operations all  integrated under BCT and division mission command. The culmination  exercise validated that we could rapidly deploy and be ready — but ready  for what?

Along with this CRF initiative, the division  needed to address the missing link to our readiness in the Pacific — the  jungle environment. The Bronco Brigade (3/25th ID) had the task and  again, empowered a battalion task force to take the lead in developing  this training capability. This fell on the 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry  Regiment’s Wolfhounds, who were already eagerly pursuing jungle  training. The “No Fear on Earth” battalion vigorously attacked this  problem with elements from across the 3rd BCT and division assisting to  provide support to the initiative. The battalion researched and collated  our U.S. historical jungle operations documents and manuals from World  War II forward. This included our previous JOTC in Panama and the 25th  Division’s Jungle and Guerilla Warfare Training Center that was  established in 1966 as part of the Special Warfare Training and  Orientation Center (SAWTOC) on Schofield Barracks that was designed to  prepare Soldiers for the jungles of Vietnam. American Professor Dr.  Daniel Marston from Australian National University assisted in providing  more historical data and expertise on jungle warfare from across the  Pacific. We also tapped into resident experts in the BCT who had  attended foreign jungle schools such as the Malaysian tracker course,  Australian jungle school, and the British jungle school in Brunei. The  Wolfhounds continued to develop this capability simultaneously with the  CRF initiative. In the end, 2-27 Infantry coordinated, resourced, and  validated the entire course within six short months despite CRF and  other training requirements. In addition, the division obtained a myriad  of equipment to facilitate training such as hundreds of sets of old  Battle Dress Uniforms (BDUs), mountaineering ropes, squad water  purification systems, and other special equipment.

The New JOTC

The JOTC today is not the same as the version  conducted in Panama at Fort Sherman and came with an associated cost.  The course was built completely out of hide without any additions to the  modified table of organization and equipment (MTOE) from Soldiers within  the 25th ID’s Lightning Leaders Academy that is responsible for Air  Assault School, Lightning Leaders Course, and several performance  enhance-ment courses. Because of the size and breadth of the operations,  JOTC had to be limited to company and below operations. Over the course  of five weeks, a battalion task force cycles its companies through,  starting a new company each week. An artillery battery, forward support  company (FSC), weapons company, and a cavalry troop are also integrated.  Each company spends 21 days in the field, which forces Soldiers to  endure the hardships of the jungle and to put into practice the field  craft they learn.

The course is broken down into three phases.  Phase I is jungle skills training that includes land navigation,  survival skills, waterborne operations, rope assisted movements, jungle  communication techniques, insertion/extraction techniques, and survival  techniques. Each of these classes are taught in the jungle while  platoons hone their patrol base activities. Both resiliency training and  performance enhancement from the Comprehensive Soldier and Family  Fitness Program is embedded early on, and Soldiers begin practical  application in this phase. This is a key to preparing for three rigorous  weeks of field training without the luxuries of garrison life (no cell  coverage either!).

Phase II is the squad/platoon situational  training exercise (STX) module that consists of STX lanes for various  combat patrols, close-quarter marksmanship, point-man and cover-man  live-fire exercise (LFX), squad react-to-contact LFX, and platoon LFX  ambush. It is here where Soldiers begin to practice the methods learned  in Phase I in a tactical environment. Soldiers change from their ACUs  into BDUs and add camouflage to themselves and equipment. This phase  also includes the clearing and establishment of an artillery fire base  and the conduct of multiple air assault “gun raids” where guns are  slingloaded into remote enemy territory to provide fire support for  short-duration missions.

Phase III is the culmination company-level  FTX that includes hasty attacks, ambushes, a raid, and multiple air  assaults. Throughout all phases, the battalion task force provides the  overall mission command from their tactical operations center (TOC) in  the field. The division CRF-5 battalion (support cycle) provides the  backside support and opposing forces for both Phase II and III.

The BCT’s combat enablers also learn how to  adapt to the environment to provide critical support. FSCs are forced to  be innovative in their sustainment techniques using low cost low  altitude (LCLA) air drops, “speed ball” resupply (free drop), door-  kicker bundles, and bulk water purification. At the completion of the  course, Soldiers will earn the coveted jungle expert tab authorized for  wear while assigned in the Pacific theater.

The Way Ahead

The last edition of jungle  doctrine, FM 90-5, was written in 1982. Efforts are being made now in  conjunction with the Maneuver Center of Excellence to update the field  manual. To assist in bridging the gap, 2-27 Infantry reconstructed the  “Green Book,” which is a handbook for Soldiers operating in a jungle  environment. The “Green Book” dates back to our British allies’ field  manual used extensively in the Pacific theater during WWII.

For now, this course is designed to prepare  and train 25th Infantry Division Soldiers to conduct successful  operations in a jungle environment. The course will continue to evolve  and be refined after each iteration as more leaders and Soldiers develop  jungle expertise. Over the next six months, 3rd BCT, 25th ID will  conduct over eight partnered exercises throughout the Pacific Rim where  they will have an opportunity to put their expertise to use. The  long-term goal will be to have I Corps units pass through this course in  preparation for partnered exercises in the Pacific. Also, future  opportunities for joint services and foreign partner nations to attend  the course and exchange instructors will be incorporated.

With no issues determining relevancy in a  “peace-time” or “garrison” Army, the 25th Infantry Division is a more  responsive and prepared force in the Pacific theater. The 25th Infantry  Division is building a unique skill set for our Army and offering a  premier jungle operations venue within the Pacific Command area of  responsibility. Tropic Lightning!