Our Love & Abundance mala features an eminent combination of Rose Quartz and Five Mukhi (Faced) Rudraksha beads. This Mala brings in the energy of abundance to the wearer with the light of unconditional love and joy. This mala will help the wearer tap into themselves to lovingly see what is needed to bring happiness and true joy. It is one that will help create the perfect environment for manifesting a happy life and to open up the heart to give healing energy to those around them. It is a reminder that the energy that we put our is what we bring back in and with love, all is possible.

The hand-made process in this traditional style allows the individual tying and threading of each knot and each bead to be imbued with the Mala’s own unique mantra. 108 beads are individually threaded with a conscious intention, and every knot is tied in the mantra to empower the Mala with a spiritual seal. Suspended in the centre is a Rudraksha Guru Bead. This mala is finished with Silk Tassel adorned with silver Zari. 

Rose Quartz is the most effective crystal for the heart chakra. It symbolizes unconditional love, peace, and harmony.  

Rudraksha seeds are meant to promote positivity, good health, prosperity, and healing. Often, the seeds are used for self-realization, self-empowerment, and self-confidence.

Affirmation: "I attract an abundance of love, happiness, wealth, health and prosperity into my life because I am a good person and I love life!.

Five Mukhi (Faced) Rudraksha Beads (8 MM)
Rose Quartz Beads (8 MM)
Nylon Silk Cord
Silk Tassels
Silver Zari
Rudraksha Guru Bead

Mala Necklace Length: 40- 44 inches approx
Tassel Length: 4- 5 inches approx
SIZE: 8 MM  (108+1 beads)

HANDCRAFTED WITH LOVE ❤️ --Our Malas are carefully handcrafted with natural and premium gemstones, - 108+1 of them to be precise - just like the traditional Malas. All Malas are handcrafted with love and higher vibrations made. Due to the handmade nature and natural stone beads are used, there may be slight variations in Color, Length & Bead size craftsmanship. All pieces are made in our smoke-free and peaceful environment.

Each mala is handmade with great care, love and compassion and blessed & energized with proper mantras, rituals, puja and spiritually activate to infuse potency and power before your package goes off in the post.



Unconditional love Self-love Mother love Caring Kindness Friendship Romantic love Platonic love

Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love.  It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love.  Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.  Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief.  Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes.  It encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance invoking self-trust and self-worth.

️‍ Rudraksha (seed of consciousness) ️‍

Peace Concentration Protection Spiritual Evolution Mental Clarity Boost Immunity Stamina

Rudraksha Beads are highly revered as the tears of Shiva and are said to connect the wearer seeker directly to the source of existence and to pure consciousness. Rudraksha seeds are known to assist in meditation, stress relief, healing the body and engendering positive changes. The Rudraksha seed is a blessing to keep and wear because of its powerful vibration which protects against all kinds of negative influences and energy. It also protects against radiation and the stress emitted by modern technology. It keeps the bodies bioenergy in balance and harmonizes the environment around oneself or in the place the seeds are kept. It has been revealed to affect up to 100 metres around, protecting the wearer and environment from all kinds of negative energy. This radiance of protective energy is particularly felt at home or where you mostly keep the Rudraksha. You will notice a sense of peace and after some time, less disturbances within your environment, this is extremely beneficial for meditation, study and areas needing great focus or concentration. Ideally, Rudraksha is worn at all times or kept close to the skin, it is a sacred seed that emits potent protective energy, enabling the wearer to achieve their greater potential.   

Perfect for meditation, yoga or just to feel the powerful vibes of the necklace.   

It's a perfect gift for a spiritual friend!

Your purchase will come in a beautiful silk gift bag.

If you have any queries? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help.

Need a different size bead, or other customization? Send us a message and we will work with you to create a design specifically for your needs! ✉️


Namaste with love