Casio CZ-1 CZ-101 CZ-1000 CZ-2000S CZ-2600S CZ-3000 CZ-5000 Display.
Red, White, Blue, Amber or Purple available.
Display arrives with cables attached, ready to plug N play. NO soldering is required. The display itself, requires modifications and a special configuration.
This work is done before the display ships. Everything is included in the listing price.
Also included is an FFC ribbon adaptor to ensure the display will plug n play on the short pins found in some CZ. If the main connector wont stay on, the adaptor should be used. This display will now plug n play in all the casio CZ listed above. Guaranteed !

**If you buy a display, contact me for instructions when your ready to install**

**this listing is for one (1) OLED display only. the casio keyboards pictured are NOT included**